Educational Material: FITS Liberator - The Globular Cluster Messier 12

This FITS Liberator Education Material includes: A zip'ped FITS file taken with ESO's Very Large Telescope of the globular cluster Messier 12 through the B band. 13.9 MB A zip'ped FITS file taken with ESO's Very Large Telescope of the globular cluster Messier 12 through the V band. 14.0 MB A zip'ped Photoshop 16 bit (.psd) example file that contains a full three-colour image of the data sets taken with ESO's Very Large Telescope of the globular cluster Messier 12, imported into Photoshop with the help of the ESA/ESO/NASA FITS Liberator.
The green layer is constructed as an average of the two exposures. 77.6 MB A zip'ped Photoshop 8 bit (.psd) example file that contains a full three-colour image of the data sets taken with ESO's Very Large Telescope of the globular cluster Messier 12, imported into Photoshop with the help of the ESA/ESO/NASA FITS Liberator.
The green layer is constructed as an average of the two exposures. 25.3 MB

m12_B_V.xls: An Excel file containing B and V magnitudes of 171 stars from the globular cluster Messier 12. These magnitudes are measured with the professional astronomical image processing software IRAF.
These data are the basis of one of the exercises in the ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series.



About the Education Material

Release date:15 de Marzo de 2021 a las 08:22


Fullsize (RGB)Fullsize (RGB)
22,4 MB
Large JPEGLarge JPEG
670,5 KB
Screensize JPEGScreensize JPEG
151,2 KB

File Formats

ZIP FileZIP File
130,4 MB