NOIRLab noirlab2420: Queen Berenice II’s Hair Tied Together by Dark Matter — The Dark Energy Camera probes the Coma Cluster, a rich cluster of galaxies named for the hair of an ancient queen and an inspiration for the theory of dark matter. The Dark Energy Camera captures an image of the dazzling Coma Cluster, named after the hair of Queen Berenice II of Egypt. Not only significant in Greek mythology, this collection of galaxies was also fundamental to the discovery of the …

NOIRLab <br> News
Queen Berenice II’s Hair Tied Together by Dark Matter
14 Aug. 2024 — NOIRLab Photo Release noirlab2420

The Dark Energy Camera captures an image of the dazzling Coma Cluster, named after the hair of Queen Berenice II of Egypt. Not only significant in Greek mythology, this collection of galaxies was also fundamental to the discovery of the existence of dark matter. The theory emerged in 1937 when Swiss astronomer Fritz Zwicky noticed that the Coma Cluster galaxies behaved as if they were under the influence of vast amounts of unobservable ‘dark’ matter.

The release, images and videos are available on:

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NOIRLab Communications, Education & Engagement
14 Aug. 2024

NOIRLab Announcements

Major U.S. Grant Awarded to CPS-led Satellite Mitigation Project

Major U.S. Grant Awarded to CPS-led Satellite Mitigation Project — U.S. National Science Foundation awards $750,000 to project led by the IAU Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference to minimize the science impact caused by satellite constellations on astronomical obse

8 Aug. 2024

The IAU Centre for the Protection of the Dark and Quiet Sky from Satellite Constellation Interference (IAU CPS), which is co-hosted by NSF NOIRLab and the SKAO, has received a …

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Rubin Digest 06 August 2024

Rubin Digest 06 August 2024

7 Aug. 2024

Project &amp; Science News The Rubin Community Workshop (Rubin 2024) took place July 22-26 at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory in Menlo Park, CA and was a big success. This year’s …

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NOIRLab Positioned Amongst Top-Ranking Institutions for Scientific Output in 2023

NOIRLab Positioned Amongst Top-Ranking Institutions for Scientific Output in 2023 — NOIRLab’s world-class telescopes and vast data archive help astronomers around the world conduct and publish their science

7 Aug. 2024

The annual number of publications in peer-reviewed journals using observations from telescopes operated by NOIRLab [1] is among the most important productivity metrics in astronomy, astrophysics and all of science. …

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16 August 2024 6 a.m. — 10 a.m. MST
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17 August 2024 6 a.m. — 8:30 a.m. MST
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17 August 2024 10 a.m. — 12:30 p.m. MST
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