The Gemini MOS Mask Preparation Software (GMMPS) is used to design multi-object spectroscopy masks for the GMOS and Flamingos2 instruments. Detailed installation and use instructions are given in the users manual.

Installation Files

The source code and pre-compiled binaries are available here. The following table gives non-exhaustive compatibility information.


Compiled on






CentOS 5



CentOS 6



CentOS 7

Ubuntu 17/18, Fedora 28


Ubuntu 16.04

Ubuntu 17/18


macOS 10.13.6

macOS 10.14 - 13.5


macOS 10.15

macOS 11 - 13.5

Source Code Installation

Unless there are known compilation issues for your operating system you should first try to compile GMMPS from source. This helps ensure compatibility with your system and avoids macOS Gatekeeper restrictions on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) and later. There are known problems with compiling GMMPS on macOS 10.15 and later, Ubuntu 17/18, and Fedora 28. Please use the compatible binary releases on these operating systems.

Uncompress the source code package and then do

$ cd gmmps-<version>
$ ./

Finally, put /some_path/gmmps-<version>/bin/gmmps in your path.

Configuring Pre-Compiled Binaries

Download the version compatible with your system from the table above and uncompress it.

Then enter the following on the command line

$ cd /some_path/gmmps-<version>
$ ./

to configure the paths in the GMMPS startup script. Finally, put /some_path/gmmps-<version>/bin/gmmps in your path.

If you install the pre-compiled Mac binaries on macOS 10.15 (Catalina) or later then the first time that you run it you will need to give each executable component permission to run. You can do this by opening System Preferences/Settings and selecting Security & Privacy -> General and click on Open Anyway. Finally, click Open in the next dialog. This has to be done multiple times.

This repetition can be avoided by compiling from source or by opening System Preferences/Settings, selecting Security & Privacy, Privacy (if an option), and then Developer Tools. Either click on the padlock to allow changes and click the checkbox next to the Terminal icon, or add the Terminal app to the list, to allow execution of command line applications that do not meet the security policies.