SOAR soaring above the Andes foothills

Watch the sky unravel above the 4.1-meter SOAR Telescope at Cerro Pachón in Chile. Perched high in the foothills of the Andes, it is among the best research facilities available to astronomers in the southern hemisphere, producing the best image quality at wavelengths from optical to near-infrared. In the background, the Gemini South telescope is shining lasers at the sky using its GeMS adaptive optics system.



Sobre el Video

Release date:13 de Noviembre de 2023 a las 11:32
Duración:14 s
Cuadros por segundo:30 fps

Sobre el Objeto

Nombre:Gemini Multi-Conjugate Adaptive Optics System (GeMS), Gemini South, SOAR, SOAR Telescope
Categoría:Gemini Observatory

Ultra HD (info)


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